1 Corinthians 13

With Mother's Day approaching I can only think of how blessed I am.  Today I ate lunch with my mom and sister for my birthday.  As I sat there I begin to think about how my mother's love for me has been unconditional all these years.  The part that I'm most impressed about is how she never stops loving us. A true love. The kind of true love that has always been shown, even when I made it hard to love me. The scripture tells us love should be indispensable, it says love keeps no record of wrongs, it's not boastful or proud, not self-seeking, it also protects, always trusts and remains faithful.

Just think about how God loves us. All the ways listed above and so many more.  He gave his son for me and you to have eternal life.  God says love is patient and love is kind.  I say God is love and I love God.  Please tell someone today you love them. God has given you that blessing today.  Don't waste it!

I love you Mom!